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Table 5 Airway inflammatory biomarkers characteristics among the studied cases and control

From: Prevalence of bronchial asthma and correlation between the chemokine receptor 3 gene polymorphism and clinical asthma phenotypes among Egyptian asthmatic children


Cases n = 60

Control n = 100

Test of significance

P value

Eosinophilic percentage (%)


4.0 (0.10–46.4)

2.9 (0.15–10.6)

Z = 2.5


Total IgE (IU/ml)


45.6 (0–1143)

5.9 (2.8–45.6)

Z = 6.3

 < 0.001*

  1. Test of significance: Mann–Whitney test
  2. *Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05
  3. The above table showed that the eosinophilic percent and total IgE were significantly higher among asthmatic cases when compared to control group (P value = 0.009, < 0.001) respectively