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Table 4 Distribution of serum vitamin E levels across the nutritional status of the participants with HIV

From: Serum vitamin E levels in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection in Lagos Nigeria


Median (IQR)

p value

BMI for age


3.30 (2.04–5.08)



2.60 (1.50–5.28)



1.40 (0.90–1.90)


Height for age


2.84 (1.49–6.29)



2.47 (1.47–5.17)



4.47 (2.55–7.07)


Weight for age


2.19 (0.68–3.59)



2.40 (1.37–4.78)



5.27 (5.27–5.28)


Weight for height







  1. p value obtained from Kruskal–Wallis test
  2. p* p value comparing the median vitamin E values between the underweight, normal, and overweight HIV-infected children
  3. p** p value comparing the median vitamin E values between the stunted, normal, and tall HIV infected children
  4. p*** p value comparing the median vitamin E values between the underweight, normal, and overweight children aged 10 years and below
  5. p**** p value comparing median vitamin E values between the underweight and normal HIV-infected children aged 5 years and below